Thursday, March 8, 2007

A Sign of the Times

Let me first say a little something about my History teacher in Escambia High School, 1963. He taught us Americanism / Communism. He said that one day in our life time, the government would begin taking away our freedom to worship God. He said that religion would be taken out of our schools and government. We would eventually have to hide the fact that we are Christians and hide our Bibles. Well from my stand point, that day is coming soon. It has already begun. Prayer is taken out of our schools, the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed in public, our politician's are a sham and now In God We Trust is taken off our money. Did you vote for that or was it dropped on you. I personally will not use that dollar. In the Bible it tells us that in the last days, these things will happen. Eventually you will not be able to buy anything without the mark. Wars and rumors of wars!!!!! Our children are fighting a war in Iraq that is never ending. It cannot and will not be won. It has been a war for years and years and years. We are in a position where we have to fight because we have to have oil and because if the fighting is not in Iraq, it might be here. We have seen the signs. Our children are doing their duty and we should support them but this is just another sign of the times. I have a son going back to Iraq in the middle of the summer. My heart breaks for him. This will be his second tour of duty over there. Thank God this time he will not be in tanks like he did the first time. He was with the first group the meet the republican guard. You who are parents will understand the pain I feel with my son going back, because none of our military personnel are safe over there. My son would probably tell you he is doing his duty and he is. He is a very military oriented man. No matter how old our children get, we worry and maybe more after they are older. Pray for our country and our military and our government. Don't let them take away our God.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Christmas 2006

This Christmas was one of the greatest Christmas's we've ever had. My husbands sons were coming over and I was going to cook Christmas dinner. We had experienced a storm the night before and the lights had gone off and on all night keeping us awake. My husband is on oxygen at night and every time the power went off, his oxygen machine let out a shrill whistle. I believe I slept all of about 2 hours. That morning I got up, fixed coffee, and yes, the power went off. It went on and off a few times and then it stayed off. The first of the sons came over about 11:30 and I told him dinner wasn't cook because we had no power. He told me he was so hungry. So I gave him something to snack on and told my husband to go out to the little house behind the main house and get my charcoal and hickory chunks. He ask me what I was going to do and I told him I was going to cook Christmas dinner on the grill. I got out my pots I used during the Ivan hurricane and started cooking. I cook collards, rutabagas and cabbage stir fry on the grill. I also cooked deer roll ups and made a pot of coffee. I learned how to cook coffee on an open fire when I was a little girl. My Mom taught me to use a coffee can and get the water boiling and just pour the coffee in. You got to love coffee because it turns out very strong. What a taste though. Any way, the rest of the sons came in and were really taken by the dinner. John was so taken he came out the the grill with me and took over the cooking. He said we could not have had a better dinner. He said everyone should get back the the simple Christmas and this is what it is about. All our sons and their families received a very large basket filled with things I had canned over the summer. Including things like, Instant Russian Tea, Swiss Mocha Coffee, jellies, salsas, boiled peanuts, and deep fried peanuts, etc. Oh, they all received a framed 5 X 7 picture of Jim and I renewing our wedding vows. Christmas is too commercial. I love Santa Claus, the lights, he hustle and bustle, but I like the meanings behind them. I wish I had known these things when I was raising my boys. Santa is teaching about love and giving and is a feeling in the heart, the lights remind me of the star the shone over the baby Jesus, giving of gifts, like the 3 wise men, etc. I wish I had been a better teacher to my children. I would take time to allow them to meet Santa and then explained about what he stands for and each of the Christmas traditions. My sons knew what Christmas was about, but I think because I wanted them to have more than I had, I went over board. If only we could teach our children to love and give unconditionally just as God loves us unconditionally, and teach them the respect that we older people learn in our latter years.

A Spiritual Experience

Sept. 10th, 2005, my husband, some friends and I were having dinner on the patio of a nice Mexican Restaurant. I became sick, started heaving and trying to pass out. It became so violent, my husband called for an ambulance. I was taken to the hospital and have no idea I even existed for 10 days. Then I remember a doctor telling me his name and saying he was going to have to do surgery on me. I remember laughing about his name and then asking him if he believed in God. He said he did. I ask him if he realized that he, the doctor, could not heal me. He said he knew that but that he knew that God would guide his hands to do the right thing. With that, I went to sleep, I thought. The next thing that happened, was I found my self in a void. I could not see anything but I knew I was dying. I felt God there and the feeling was a peace that passes all understanding. I began to talk to God but I wasn't speaking. There was no tunnel, no bright light, just me and God. I began to lay my burdens on Him and before I could ask, He would answer. At this point, I felt so good. I ask him for time with Jim, my husband, that would be peaceful and better than the previous 10 years, where we had taken care of Mother till she died and taken care of Will till he died. Two people who were so close to us. We never minded taken care of them, but we were so devastated when they passed. Then I felt a peace and knew things would work out for us in Gods time. And then I told Him I was so worried about my boys, and He said to me, "Put them in My hands". Then He said it was not my time and I woke up. A great transformation came over me. My life is different. I have things to do for God and don't ask me how I know but I just know. Jim and I had never been married in church before so we renewed our vows for our 10th anniversary in church, by a preacher. What a difference this made in our lives. We now attend that church and are learning more about what God has in store for us. I have not smoked since Sept. 10th, 2006. God is diffenently dealing with my boys. I recently had the chance to tell one of my boys that he needed to put God back in the center of his life. I think he was shocked but, that was God speaking through me. It just came up and out. God speaks through me a lot now because I am more open to him. I strive to walk closer and closer to him as the days go on. I know, that if an episode like my sickness happens again, I won't come back this time. I have so much to do till then. I will never, nor do I ever want to forget this experience with my Lord.